Milan What a lovely story
Dear Friends, My name is Maurizio Rocca
and are one of the technical, RDS Radio Dimensione Suono
are of Calabrian origin, living in Rome for 13 years and work for the group
RDS for almost 10 years I discovered by pure
case your site, and I did not sleep last night to hear
the beautiful stuff you've recovered, I know
all or most of those you have in your archive, also because 'coming from the south, I met more
' late Roman history of radio, but still
National, I have 37 years, the radio quandone
known I was 7, my older brother, together with a group of friends,
decided to experience the thrill of transmitting FM, came
built by a qualified electrician, classmates of one of their
, a transmitter, and bought an antenna mounted
on the roof of our house, I followed my brother, that made me
so much fun, he and 'more' than me for 18 years so you can
Image charm that I could transmit, Qualle radio
radio called "A" and it was absolutely illegal "pirate" say,
with the passage of time, everything is stabilized 'and also radio "A"
become' a real radio station free, we lived in
sperdutissimo a village in the province of Catanzaro,
perhaps 2000 inhabitants, but the radio brings a breath of newness',
I was too small, but I followed with interest my brother, who
with those 4 crazy, so they called them, were
grow this game, a beautiful gioco.Nel 1980, the village created a new
radio free radio ... only I was a bit grown up, and the desire to do
the radio was becoming more 'obvious but are still too small
finally in January of 1983 I find the courage to go in the studios of radio
sun, make me up and tell me if I wanted to try
, but 13 years could not be expected to go on the air, and
so I did try to put the disks, I knew to do,
my brother had taught me well, they decided to take as TAPE
HUMAN, I went in the hours when there were no programs, what you always did
biu beautiful, I fun, but not my parents, the country turned
many joints, and so forbade me to attend
that place, and you think I have obeyed all this?,
not much I could never hear if I did not speak, After a while I was
used as a director for some programs, and then
February 14, 1983 there was my debut of dishes as disckjockey,
valentine party, big party organized by the radio, the other of the radio were almost
all coupled, the only small
so small I was and asked me if I spin for the party, but also for the live radio
.... what a thrill I still remember the first records I put
, since that day I never stopped, now working for one of the most
'important Italian radio and I'm proud, all around the premises of
Italy and I enjoy, next year will be 25 years
who live on the radio, some things today have changed,
but my love for this medium remains the same, this night, after having heard
your recordings, I had a beautiful dream,
story and then I'll greet you, otherwise you will not stop ': I find myself in the dream
to my village, returned for the holidays, a
my friend and colleague of the time, tells me that in the same place where there was
our radio, we had another open, my heart was beating
much, I run immediately, everything seemed fatiscende,
the building destroyed by the years, with no windows and doors, in short, a stable
abandoned, and I wonder how 'can there be on the radio, and I think
a joke, but the desire to get on in study 'lot, including trash and debris within
different, I climb the stairs, and I hear music,
on the edge of the door, I stop and see the studio back then, and this
which a Lenco turntable 2 mixer lem, a plate
of registration, etc. .... and a boy, chubby, and that '
sitting next to the mixer, I get close, and asks me if I give him a hand to make a
thing, I say ok and help him in a very simple thing , he smiles and
and 'happy, then you put your headphones, and aired the tape, and then I wake up .......
beautiful dream, that certainly was
I kid, I woke up happy, wonderful feeling, just like
then, it was just a pity that dream, thanks to your site
this night I tried again those same emotions, and was fantastic,
thanks, will try to find material for your site, and then
one last thing, to my village, the frequency of RDS and
100,200 ....... that was one of two Sun Radio ..... that
coincidence, that's enough, sorry if I have dwelt, but I resisted
not write and tell you some of my
radio history, greetings and congratulations again and thank you.
Maurizio Rocca