are a few Sundays ago was to make a tour in the province of Vicenza ... definite Sunday, September 28 ... (I will say that later that talk, you are right but seriously I do not have much time period: ()
Sunday's was only the culmination of the various proposals that had been posed to the population with glass in hand, to aprtire encounter on Thursday with the press, industry experts etc etc ...
return to the wine: 'nuff said Ciancio and bands ...

, massimoa provides a yield of 6.25 tonnes per hectare, the grapes are allowed only Garganega, are permitted tipoligie Recioto Gambellara classic Recioto sparkling Gambellara Classic.
Recioto Gambellara s Classico is deep golden yellow with shades of amber, it has hints of ripe tropical fruit and hints of vanilla and finally the typical taste of the wine faded, slightly sweet or sweet. I liked it very much like all the sweet wines: they are very greedy of dessert wines and this then I tasted the fregolotta, a cake with chopped hazelnuts inside ... I would if I could have lived there for soooooo long ....
and the end of the day the comment of my friends was, 'naltra DOCG to study ....
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