One of the most influential directors of the film Woody Allen is undoubtedly Ingmar Bergman, both visually, but also a philosophical and moral. For toghether the two authors is mainly the same approach to both death and God (Bergman more markedly) tried to ask questions and maybe even throw down some answers on the existence of God, on the path of man in Throughout its existence, and the close relationship between them and death. But the similarities between the two directors do not affect only the themes but also the visual staging. Especially for his most intimate and dramatic as "Interiors", "Another Woman," "Crimes and Misdemeanors" Allen moves the machine taken almost always held in mind the Swedish master. The work of Gordon Willis in "Interiors," recalls one lot of Sven Nikvist in many films of Bergman, and it is no coincidence that the same Nikvist was picked by Allen to photograph his "Another Woman," "Crimes and Misdemeanors "and" Celebrity "(as well as the short" Oedipus wreck "contained in the omnibus film" New York Stories ").
In this post I want to relate two movies "Deconstructing Harry" Allen and "Wild Strawberries" by Bergman both linked by a common denominator which is to travel as a means to explore themselves, and see how the two authors have used this same trick for different purposes. As I said, to tie the two films is the starting point. In both cases, the protagonist has to go to reach his old university to receive an important award. During the trip will be to find out more about their lives and understand himself better. In Bergman's films the protagonist is Isak Borg, a retired senior doctor in that part of the car in the company and daughter of a trio of young people cross the street.
Borg at the beginning of his journey is a man alone in feeling cold, cynical and selfish, as you apparently believe a kind and understanding. The film opens with a dream had by Borg at night. A dream of deserted streets, clocks without hands, without unuomo face that dissolves in blood and sand and into a hearse with the coffin containing the body of lying Borg. A dream that would indicate the loneliness of the protagonist and the end is getting closer, of his days. With the awareness of having arrived at the end of his life, Borg real journey through this to the university, takes a journey through the memories, visit the "Wild Strawberries" and directly transported through the dream in the days of his childhood, which almost like Doctor Scrooge of "A Christmas Carol" finds out what he really, with his behavior has left the people who loved him.
The Harry Allen is a rather writer's block in full. Also "Deconstructing Harry" story begins with the application. In this case instead of a dream is an excerpt from the last novel by the writer. A story that anticipates (in key funny) the interest of Harry in-law. Sister in law who really breaks soon after at his house, gun in hand, shocked to discover in the novel as Harry has told their story secret. So we discover that Harry Block is a cynical, selfish, alcoholic, and whores. But most importantly it is a creative writer in crisis, no longer able to bring order to their lives after the woman he loves has left him for his best friend. The journey by car with his young son, a friend and a prostitute, becomes here not only a physical journey to the university, but a journey into himself. Unlike of "Wild Strawberries" is Harry's journey into his past, but in the recent past, which nearly coincides with his current life is a journey, and especially not in dreams or memories, but a trip in his stories. During the film we see representations of short stories written by Harry, who often are nothing more than metaphors of his life. Fragments of its allegorical character, their relationships, their inner conflict.
The two trips are the two players to better understand themselves. But with different purposes. Sergio Borg wrote that the settlement is a story of conversion. At the end of the film (and travel) Isak Borg really understand who he is and what he did, the way he treated his wife, his conviction of being "dead while being alive" and the negative influence it has had to his son, now a poor imitation. At the end of his days, a few steps away from his parents who look at the lake in the afterlife, Borg convert, admitted his sins and repent of his behavior. Harry creates order rather fragmented pieces of his life and realizes that his life is so troubled and confused, as his art is rather bright, orderly and creative. Harry does not convert, but understands that in reality, in the real world he is not able to function, it is not capable of living in harmony with others and be happy. It manages to be only in his stories, freely manipulating the fantasy world of her stories and giving happiness and fun thanks to his art.
The two honors that people receive are a bit 'as the turning point (for Borg is a goal) that leads them to look back and wonder "I came this far, I must have done something good. But I did everything as I should? " "I have regrets? In my work, in my private life, there is something wrong?". The answers to both, are: No, I did everything as I had and yes, I have more than one thing to regret.
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