"Revenge of the Sith (ROTS) has revolutionized Star Wars. From May 19, 2005 and for the first time since men, women and children around the world are passionate about the stories of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, R2-D2, Darth Vader and so on, the words Star Wars have a very specific . No longer report a single film, as happened in 1977 or even a single trilogy. Today, and for the first time, Star Wars (cinematically speaking) is the name of a single film of 13 hours. That you want it or not. Star Wars (or Star Wars, if you prefer) are the two magic word to indicate an extraordinary epic of one of a kind that has ever had and probably never will be rivals. This is thanks in ROTS and its two predecessors. As I said at the beginning, the third episode of the series has revolutionized (but perhaps we should say expanded) the power of the Old Trilogy (VT) and gave more importance to "The Phantom Menace (TPM) and" Attack of the Clones " (AOTC). From the characters of VT that can now be seen in a new light that surely glows with more power than before.
Palpatine One of these is that surely, among all the protagonists the saga, is that thanks to the narration of the beginning of history has won more. The thickness of character, its importance and especially its wickedness has increased dramatically. In fact, with a vision of Star Wars Trilogy limited only we had made a wrong idea of \u200b\u200bthe Emperor. First, do not considered him the "bad" Star Wars, a role that instead went to Darth Vader, but was simply a figure of the fund (as important). Of him we knew that was the Master of Vader, who was certainly powerful and had the classical ambition to conquer the world, pardon the Galaxy. Now, with a complete view of history, we realize Palpatine is much more wicked, devious and evil than we thought. From "The Phantom Menace" in then we can watch all his moves to reach the chair of the Emperor on which they sit VT. So we discover that Palpatine has the ability to play at will with the feelings and the pain of the people around him, from what looks like a friend, a counselor, a mentor. Just think of what he says in his favor when Anakin Obi-Wan tells him the Council's decision to spy on him. Organize under the guise of Darth Sidious on Naboo invasion (his home planet) for the sole purpose of exploiting the love and attachment to the queen fourteen Padme Amidala evidence against his people to convince Valorum to oust him from office of Supreme Chancellor of course to occupy himself in that chair. Chair that will allow him to control the Senate, the Justice and even the Jedi Council. Blows a galactic war simply to have a "pretext" to create army of clones that will need to conquer the galaxy and eventually destroy the Jedi. In his dual capacity as Chancellor wise and fair, by the good principles of peace on one side and the Sith Lord Darth Sidiuos (his true identity) on the other, is the head of a diabolical plot to achieve total domination, taking advantage the slightest opportunity to exploit both "good" and "bad". Because Palpatine has the characteristic of being a bad ever able to fool even those characters that we believe are its allies (or at least I believe them) but in reality are also pawns in the great game of chess that is the rise to power : as the viceroy of the Trade Federation or Count Dooku. The demonstration that Palpatine is the real villain of the saga is not Darth Vader from the fact that we have this extraordinary ability to manipulate the minds of others ed'intrecciare sordid plots, manages to deceive even Anakin Skywalker, who believed the ' antagonist Star Wars. Having said this would seem to have anything to do with a very smart man and evil but prefers to let others do the dirty work. Wrong! In fact, if all this were not enough Palpatine / Sidious is even a mighty warrior, fighting with swords in both the laser with the powers of the Dark Side of the Force and in "Revenge of the Sith" gives us ample evidence rid easily of the Jedi they came to arrest him (and the same end would also Windu were it not that he needed vivo) and defeating the most powerful Jedi Master, Yoda. Palpatine is a bad short at 360 °, sneaky, mean, evil and powerful. A perfect bad, perhaps the most complete and evil in the history of cinema. A bad that without the new trilogy (NT) risk losing. And now we will look at the Emperor of the episodes V and VI in a different way, conscious of its real capacity and evil.
ROTS As I said at the beginning and throughout the original Star Wars trilogy have the merit of increased depth and some characters of the Trilogy. Their conduct and their actions have taken on a greater understanding and a deeper meaning. One of the characters that has been developed most certainly is Obi-Wan Kenobi. In our VT was charged, along with Yoda, to take the lead with Luke (and ourselves) through the wonders and dangers that the power of the Force has. You on this aspect of "teaching" I want to linger. There is one important reason, which has its roots in the past, which leads to the growth of an interest Kenobi Luke and his Jedi training: the suffering. Obi-Wan Kenobi has suffered. He suffered when Anakin, his student, his best friend, his "brother" was definitely the face of evil. And we know it looking at that beautiful scene in which slips into the lava Vader and Obi-Wan screams all her pain. He has suffered because it was just Anakin, who was to bring balance to the Force to throw instead of darkness. And pain and suffering are the reasons that led him to not reveal the whole truth about Luke fate of his father. It is not a liar, as you might think looking at the VT, but as Yoda in ROTS said after seeing the surveillance recordings, Anakin, the Anakin he knew since he was a frightened boy, died overwhelmed by the Sith Lord Darth Vader. For these reasons, and not just a link to the principles of the Jedi, Kenobi Luke wants to be faithful to the light side of the Force. He does not want to risk losing him too. To fail again.
Another aspect of Obi-Wan was definitely emphasized by NT is his being a Jedi Knight, a powerful Jedi Knight. E 'him to defeat Darth Maul, General Grievous, Jango Fett to put to flight and for a while, not to kill the Chosen (But on the other hand was meant to end up this way). You gave us Obi-Wan lightsaber duels with the most beautiful they had ever seen. It makes me wonder: how could we be a fan of the Jedi or the Sith if we had never seen a fight like that in TPM? The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith show us a new Obi-Wan Kenobi, very human in his weaknesses and his strengths. A man who has had (or if it is found) the most difficult task that could be assigned to a Jedi: trained person who will bring balance to the Force. Obi-Wan is a warrior strong and wise, loyal and brave and there is no doubt that now, when we look in a New Hope and Return of the Jedi Luke speak of the past and Anakin, we can not think of his experiences as a knight, his eyes filled with tears as he crossed those dying Vader (Anakin remains for him anyway) and would understand why not I believe there is still good in Vader, after he saw exterminate children, strangled scream and Padmé on "I hate you." It will also be easier to understand her attitude of resignation almost immediately after the ROTJ Luke says he can not kill his father "Then the Emperor has already won. You were our only hope. "Do you understand what Luke is trying. Why is the same feeling that he tried to Just the thought of tackle and kill Anakin.
Another aspect of Obi-Wan was definitely emphasized by NT is his being a Jedi Knight, a powerful Jedi Knight. E 'him to defeat Darth Maul, General Grievous, Jango Fett to put to flight and for a while, not to kill the Chosen (But on the other hand was meant to end up this way). You gave us Obi-Wan lightsaber duels with the most beautiful they had ever seen. It makes me wonder: how could we be a fan of the Jedi or the Sith if we had never seen a fight like that in TPM? The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith show us a new Obi-Wan Kenobi, very human in his weaknesses and his strengths. A man who has had (or if it is found) the most difficult task that could be assigned to a Jedi: trained person who will bring balance to the Force. Obi-Wan is a warrior strong and wise, loyal and brave and there is no doubt that now, when we look in a New Hope and Return of the Jedi Luke speak of the past and Anakin, we can not think of his experiences as a knight, his eyes filled with tears as he crossed those dying Vader (Anakin remains for him anyway) and would understand why not I believe there is still good in Vader, after he saw exterminate children, strangled scream and Padmé on "I hate you." It will also be easier to understand her attitude of resignation almost immediately after the ROTJ Luke says he can not kill his father "Then the Emperor has already won. You were our only hope. "Do you understand what Luke is trying. Why is the same feeling that he tried to Just the thought of tackle and kill Anakin.
When he appeared for the first time in the Empire Strikes Back, speaking in that strange way we would not bet a dime on him. When, in the same episode raised with only the inner strength an X-Wing from the swamp we thought, "Well, maybe a little 'more confidence if it deserves it, this little guy." Anyway, the old trilogy it is hard to think of Yoda as a powerful Jedi Master. A warrior who has seen and participated in the Clone Wars, so powerful (or lucky) to be the only Jedi to not die at the hands of someone. With the NT, here we are shown that even Yoda for what it really is. So whereas before we did not understand at all if there was Yoda in TESB or there was now more aware and amused smile when we see him make fun of Luke on Dagobah. We know what is the real strength of the Master and this makes us even more interested in the story of Luke. Yoda is wise and powerful, there is no doubt about this and has been waiting for this moment (the training of young Skywalker) long. Now, once in 5 / 6 of the film we wonder if there was actually a real reason to hope for Luke. Someone laughed and shouted to the absurdity (to say the blasphemy) AOTC Yoda when he saw it turn on the green and hopped his lightsaber fight Dooku. Think of a fight between two warriors who have more than five feet of difference was not easy and I think that this choice (among other things was the only possible) to give us finally a picture of the great Master Yoda able to use the Force and to show its power only when extremely necessary, by tricking his opponents (as he did with Luke), which is the height or physical strength that count most, only to be demonstrating all its real strength. With the new trilogy we entered deep knowledge not only of Yoda and Obi-Wan, but the whole order of Jedi Knights and their rivals, the Sith. It is undeniable that with a narrow vision of Star Wars last half, you know little or nothing about the Jedi, their role, their prestige and simultaneously on the evil and the danger presented by the Sith.
Just as George Lucas did to Star Wars, I want to talk about Anakin Skywalker from the end. Hands up who does not believe that after watching ROTS, the time of redemption of Anakin had not given a greater importance. The key scene I'm referring to is obviously the murder of Mace Windu. This is where Chancellor Palpatine carries out his plan to bring Anakin to his side. First revealed to Anakin that he was the dark lord of the Sith they were looking for and this creates a lad in the first conflict to behave And report all the Jedi Council, or follow his teachings and save Padme. Surprisingly enough (for us who already know everything) Jedi Anakin chooses to behave. Even threatening Palpatine draws his sword. So what relates to the Master Windu discovered and the latter, with three other Jedi Anakin and taking away to arrest him. This is exactly what he wants to Palpatine, who in fact is quietly sitting in a chair waiting for the Knights. Yet another show of force. During a fast combat is free now with a few quick swipes of the three Jedi and begins to duel with Windu. Meanwhile, Anakin is engaged in the toughest fight I've ever faced. What against himself. A conflict that we are shown through a beautiful scene of great cinema like you have never seen her in time. One that sees in the Council Chamber Skywalker Jedi Padmé and alternate mounting at home, with the sun setting behind the skyscrapers of Coruscant tinged red planet, accompanied by silence and a gentle background of John Williams. It is there, just before jumping on board and reach the speeder that Anakin Palpatine realizes that he can not live without Padmé and needs of the Chancellor and the powers of the Dark Side. Arrived in the hall of the Chancellor, Anakin faces Windu and Palpatine in a duel. On the one hand, the Jedi knight who more than anyone probably symbolizes the insecurity and fear that the Council (of which it is increasingly disappointed) to have felt towards him. And on the other that sworn enemy who has always vowed to fight but they can have with him the key to erase her fears forever. On that occasion killed Windu Anakin becoming overwhelmed by their feelings and follow the dark side. Arriving at the end of the film, we find ourselves watching a scene almost identical. Palpatine, now Emperor, is shot dead with arrows Luke and Darth Vader / Anakin at the scene. What will he do now? It's really quite past the dark side or what little good they were talking about Luke and Padma is really still in him? And here is his redemption. Vader lifts the Emperor and throws him into the abyss. Padmé was right: Anakin was not completely killed by Vader, something he was still alive. Of course all this already felt watching only the VT but now everything has taken on greater weight and redemption, that gesture that brought balance to the Force has become even more important and liberating. Reading some reviews I noticed that someone was a little 'puzzled by the fact that the reason that leads Anakin to become Darth Vader is Love. It really is not love itself, but fear. And here "The Phantom Menace" plays an important role. In fact it is the fear of losing the woman he loves, fear to suffer again, as he had suffered for years before the death of his mother and partly to that of Qui-Gon Jin to bring it down. And do not say that Yoda had not warned. In the first episode it is the Jedi Master to feel much fear in the young and to hold it (and put) a warning on it: "Fear of losing you have (referring to mother)" "What has this to do with anything?" With all beside the point. Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger, hate, hate leads to suffering. I feel a lot of fear in you. "And it is precisely that fear that will create Yoda was talking about the conflict in Anakin and let him fall into the trap of Palpatine. Because Palpatine also plays with the feelings of his pupil. Exploits this fear to suffer to his advantage by making him believe that the dark side can find a way to rip Padmé's death. In this way he completed his plan to destroy the Jedi and his side have the most powerful warrior exists. The Darth Vader we knew in VT so it was only a fragment of that extraordinary character that is in effect the main character of Star Wars. A depth of character and psychological and did not know that thanks to the first three episodes we fortunately found.
But the story of Anakin and his fall into the abyss, as if an angel dropped, allowed to give even more power and prominence to his son, Luke Skywalker. With great skill, in fact, Lucas throws Luke in the same situations in which he had found his father in the past. In this way we are to ask if Luke will transfer to the dark side as Anakin. Both have suffered painful losses, they left Tatooine to "fly into the sky, are both disabled drivers and both lost a hand during a fight with lightsabers. And cut off that limb will lead us to wonder if movies over half Luke is destined to follow in the footsteps of his father. Parallelism between the two which is also underlined by the similarity of their garments which are both black and with a glove of the same color to cover the mechanical hand. Luke also will sell him and doubt there will be even until the end of the sixth chapter when you push hate Luke and Vader attacks, cutting her arm and scream "No, do not do it!" We will think that Palpatine has won again (because now we know what it is capable of the Emperor). We think that there's nothing left to do. But when Luke goes out and throws away his lightsaber after Vader landed and confirmed his desire to stay away from the dark side will raise a cry of joy from the audience will have just finished enjoying the entire Star Wars.
Finally, George Lucas given to us and especially to future generations from an epic past. The only movie adventure that can be set at the immortal masterpieces of literature of the past such as the Iliad or The Divine Comedy. Telling a tale full of drama, adventure, comedy, fantasy, dreams and love. A story that is not the time to see how to compare two single trilogies together, or 6 episodes to be included in a list of choice, but as what it really is: a single magical film. A one-time extraordinary adventure that leads adults and children in far-off worlds and fantastic to follow the stories of timeless characters. And when the May 19, 2005 the circle was closed, Star Wars has become more powerful than ever.
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