The servant, according to the etymology of the word, means "one who brings benefit." Ever definition is so misleading as in this case, clearly if it relates to the work of Joseph Losey's "The Servant". In this context, the servant, took a diametrically opposite connotation. Approaches, in fact, more like a virus, a healthy carrier of evil, deception that slowly creeps into life of a young nobleman and infected eventually take possession of his will and reversing the roles.
We can not speak of "The Servant" without speaking of the script signed by the English playwright, a master of the absurd, Harold Pinter. Of all the scripts Pinter signed by this film is probably the one in which receives most its mark. Master the construction of the characters through dialogue sharp and intelligent we outlined two figures, one of the servant and the noble, clear, classical, almost taken for granted, but at the same time have something mysterious. Above him, the servant did something wrong, something unusual and soon the mystery will be revealed in all its devilry.
Losey often shows us the ambiguity of the characters in a play of mirrors and reflections continuously. The whole house is full of reflective surfaces and the characters are so constantly split to emphasize their dual personality.
"The Servant" is a social film if I may say, the image of the class struggle between servant and master, so dear to Marx, where the roles are overturned, where the servant takes the reins of the game and the limelight cards on the table, making it real "master of his master" bending to their will. Here, it takes more social and political analysis on the features of a psychological game, which can also be seen as a metaphor of good and evil, and how it is impossible to divide the dark side of human mind from the more clean and clear, as Tony, the landlord will not be able to get rid of Hugo, despite his behavior out of the ordinary. Tony is fascinated by his valet, in a report that attracted most often smells of homosexuality.
A beautifully orchestrated film, often shot in pianisequenza that put highlights in Pinter's dialogues and performances by Dirk Bogarde and James Fox. Intelligently the relationship between Hugo and his girlfriend of his boss, who seems to expose a weakness of the servant who is always scared by his presence. She 's in these scenes to command, to be the center of the sequence, but our focus remains on him, awaiting his next move, to understand the why of this new facade. It 'really scared of her or is it a trick? What do we hide this elegant and efficient butler? E ' or is not a "beneficial holder"?
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