Sunday, June 3, 2007
Spanish Style Dinnerware
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
What Is The Difference In Rca
Dear Friends, My name is Maurizio Rocca
and are one of the technical, RDS Radio Dimensione Suono
are of Calabrian origin, living in Rome for 13 years and work for the group
RDS for almost 10 years I discovered by pure
case your site, and I did not sleep last night to hear
the beautiful stuff you've recovered, I know
all or most of those you have in your archive, also because 'coming from the south, I met more
' late Roman history of radio, but still
National, I have 37 years, the radio quandone
known I was 7, my older brother, together with a group of friends,
decided to experience the thrill of transmitting FM, came
built by a qualified electrician, classmates of one of their
, a transmitter, and bought an antenna mounted
on the roof of our house, I followed my brother, that made me
so much fun, he and 'more' than me for 18 years so you can
Image charm that I could transmit, Qualle radio
radio called "A" and it was absolutely illegal "pirate" say,
with the passage of time, everything is stabilized 'and also radio "A"
become' a real radio station free, we lived in
sperdutissimo a village in the province of Catanzaro,
perhaps 2000 inhabitants, but the radio brings a breath of newness',
I was too small, but I followed with interest my brother, who
with those 4 crazy, so they called them, were
grow this game, a beautiful gioco.Nel 1980, the village created a new
radio free radio ... only I was a bit grown up, and the desire to do
the radio was becoming more 'obvious but are still too small
finally in January of 1983 I find the courage to go in the studios of radio
sun, make me up and tell me if I wanted to try
, but 13 years could not be expected to go on the air, and
so I did try to put the disks, I knew to do,
my brother had taught me well, they decided to take as TAPE
HUMAN, I went in the hours when there were no programs, what you always did
biu beautiful, I fun, but not my parents, the country turned
many joints, and so forbade me to attend
that place, and you think I have obeyed all this?,
not much I could never hear if I did not speak, After a while I was
used as a director for some programs, and then
February 14, 1983 there was my debut of dishes as disckjockey,
valentine party, big party organized by the radio, the other of the radio were almost
all coupled, the only small
so small I was and asked me if I spin for the party, but also for the live radio
.... what a thrill I still remember the first records I put
, since that day I never stopped, now working for one of the most
'important Italian radio and I'm proud, all around the premises of
Italy and I enjoy, next year will be 25 years
who live on the radio, some things today have changed,
but my love for this medium remains the same, this night, after having heard
your recordings, I had a beautiful dream,
story and then I'll greet you, otherwise you will not stop ': I find myself in the dream
to my village, returned for the holidays, a
my friend and colleague of the time, tells me that in the same place where there was
our radio, we had another open, my heart was beating
much, I run immediately, everything seemed fatiscende,
the building destroyed by the years, with no windows and doors, in short, a stable
abandoned, and I wonder how 'can there be on the radio, and I think
a joke, but the desire to get on in study 'lot, including trash and debris within
different, I climb the stairs, and I hear music,
on the edge of the door, I stop and see the studio back then, and this
which a Lenco turntable 2 mixer lem, a plate
of registration, etc. .... and a boy, chubby, and that '
sitting next to the mixer, I get close, and asks me if I give him a hand to make a
thing, I say ok and help him in a very simple thing , he smiles and
and 'happy, then you put your headphones, and aired the tape, and then I wake up .......
beautiful dream, that certainly was
I kid, I woke up happy, wonderful feeling, just like
then, it was just a pity that dream, thanks to your site
this night I tried again those same emotions, and was fantastic,
thanks, will try to find material for your site, and then
one last thing, to my village, the frequency of RDS and
100,200 ....... that was one of two Sun Radio ..... that
coincidence, that's enough, sorry if I have dwelt, but I resisted
not write and tell you some of my
radio history, greetings and congratulations again and thank you.
Maurizio Rocca
Friday, April 13, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Blackness Of Skin Around Stiches
Yesterday I was in google, and animation by some kind of thought, I typed "radiomediterraneo Rome," and I received the link to this blog that I did not know and iltuo messaggio.Leggendoti has reopened a world of small and large ricordi.Abbiamo made of similar paths and I, however, never meet, credo.Anch 'I was young, very young ... I was 16 and a voice far from "great". Thus he was able to extract a sample of Anna Basso, then responsabileartistico Radio Mediterranean ... I, Marino Capaldi began to transmit daquello closet 11th floor of the Hotel Mediterraneo. 250 watts push and pull a thin antenna so that on windy days seemed spezzarein having two. Yet in this age so spacious (there were a few other radio, malappena a dozen, and a sea of \u200b\u200bspurious waves) is coming up in Sardinia. Unfortunately, the radio was a period of financial difficulty and we were adover broadcast from a trailer parked in the garage of stessohotel ... we did our best ... always being careful entering altrimentisaltavano discs! Then I went to Radio Tusculum, 77-78 in which he enjoyed a good pool of listening ebuone restaurants nearby. After an unfortunate parenthesis Radio Terminal (still ask pardon), I came to Radio Luna, known for memorable performances nightly diIlona Staller, aka puppy to the U.S. "John Foxi" for buonFrancesco Acampora and many others. Studies are very beautiful and great professionalism. Mache effort to get to via Cadlolo for me coming from prenestino.Poi there was the experience of Radio Hanna. By the way, .. Hello Maurizio! Who knows seti memories! Were the days when radio chose to transmit only at night. I credoandassi broadcast between 2 and 3, recorded fortunately. There were AnnaPettinelli, Helen Silver and Gigi Canali.E in 1980 was the last radio experience ... a program at Radio In.Avevo early between 8 and 10. I remember a MilliCarlucci, who like me was stricken from the examination of their analysis Matematica.E Unity exams to finish convinced me to abandon microfoni.Ora are in Germany, Monaco Bavaria, the underwriter and I want to unacompagnia Riassicurazione.La of radio, however, has remained ... A virtual hug to all those with whom I shared an era.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
What Are Benefits Of Crunches
High Frequency: safety switch, modulator, linear, cabling bozzatura a variable in the middle of the meter, open window to climb dell'RG8 (the bulk of the power signal cable), on the terrace four dipoles open offline.
Low frequency: two different dishes with different heads, Indesit Bellavoce radio, Teac plate with bias adjusted to chromium and supercromo, Revox A77 reel repaired by Darro (do not know? But is "Frantic hallucination," the radio drama in three parts ... but here you go off topic), with the right channel mixer DIY equalizer came right and left channel type weeping willow, and fuck you to those who had wanted the panel transparent type Galaktron (veliricordate iGalaktron, Siiiii?). The jingle
ready with phrases such as "A radio station run by Leo rises!" "Never covered, oh ..." and other bullshit like that.
The cast was there fearful of: I, Francis, Darro, Felice and Marco. Since I was the Director (self-appointed, I'd put my money) the power was up to me. For the first linear Vai - All ok! His little eye We watched quietly. We do not have time to relax, though, because the meter starts to stir as the external balance of Gerry Scotti before weighing. We had two of the meters.
'Emmo'? ", I'm Francis. The Darro thinks for a bit ', then it works: go on the meter without removing the current, while Francis senses and stops him physically.
"Fuck you, asshole!"
At that point I understand the current and Out. The Darro unscrew the nozzle and started again and again. This time, ok on both gauges, fasteners such as the North Star. The Darro resumed his place and starts trembling ...!
"But you've tycoon for lunch?"
"I know we can not be ..."
"Fuck you if you are!", Moving it to push the scream. Immediately calms the needle.
We looked at each other, then burst out laughing: "The SWR meter!"
"But no, here I had to buy the meter waves, the SWR meter in short, not the meter! If too t'avvicini cable that does not understand us any more, like you really! "
" Always I Eddir the Revozzzz ... "
" Fuck you and Revozzz! "Captures it while I continue happily. Go with the jingle from Teac: Leosorgeunaradioancherotica! Skip to coil ... the phone rings: first France, then George, in short, all future entertainers are there, on 99.7, and tell us that feels!
We are ready for the classic ride: before the Trevi Fountain for towing, then the puttantour, still holding the radio to hear where it comes from our signal. Penetrate Bellavoce with batteries, light it up and go! Under Fiesta
waiting for us with the four signs of Pischiutta badly repainted. As soon as we go in, shuts Bellavoce: Digg!? Terror surrounds us when we realize that the antenna is missing!
"So what?", I say?
All quiet.
Then burst out laughing. I open the glove compartment and shot empty out a phone handset, but it has slipped into the hole of the wire antenna ... Bellavoce! The Darro
looks at me in amazement. I laughed, and restore the correct situation, he explained: "At the U.S. seems to be a radiotelephone! You look great and if things are going badly you create a break to avoid trouble. " But the Darro did not know, because it was the only one who was only puttantour: even his was said to be a hardware problem.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Why Do Dogs Like Bones So Much
Pischiutta So we go to to buy three or four poles, four feet by three, I forget, the joints with internal screw. Mount them on the Fiesta with a little 'other stuff, we fix them and go!, You return home. There is still no sign of the projecting load, but it helps us a swarm of scooters several times in danger of unraveling against fiesta, traffic lights and bus. One of the first traffic warden enforces alt last in the convoy, but the slaps his hand and goes, no license plates, windshield or helmet, but I saw that today with sinusitis in two.
arrive home. Do you walk to pick up the piles of three or four meters accompanied by a dozen addicts who howl? Well, not exactly easy to pass. In fact, soon to get the administrator of the building, one that in a thirty years (as has lasted) would be reported to an inefficient but scary at the time that comes out of breath, good-natured but firm. While the troops landing assembles the gun 12 meters, I argue with him.
"The meeting resolved that the condominium can not mount the antenna here, and we have told you, Leo."
"Yes, but not regular. I made the complaint from the antenna Carramba Acherus street and they told me that everything is in order", so false as Judas, but there is no rebuttal.
"Um, but the assembly ... "
" He told me a friend that the meeting is not entitled to these things and we need to see the Civil Code "
..." Aargh! ", arrives in the distance: Marcucci lost grip of the gun and dropped at the feet of Adinolfi, swears that while she tells him, as usual, "you fattobene the avreifattoanchio.
administrator tries again.
'No,' Assembly ... "
stops it." The meeting resolved that the tenant Delogu CB antenna, which is next to ours and encyst as soon as the install never hear him a beloved strain, may stay on the terrace. Since ours is equated with him, we can put ourselves, and the assembly can only be the case, jurisdiction Rome. And then the brackets are already planted a long time ... "
" Shit, Leo, but the assembly you had forbidden them, remove the keys of the terrace and you ... "
" Er yes (with cock explicitly admit to having cheated the keys to the door), but once made can not touch the seizure ecchiamare ddovete ask the court e. .. fermifermifermi! "human face of the column that was formed to hoist the cannon, now ready.
The manager, reached by the door, watching me leave. I'm 17 years old, like a red pepper and I have to do something I do not know and do not I want to do: get in one of the three corners to secure the rods, hanging in the top of the building. And I'm afraid of heights! But in those moments, the adrenaline makes you forget you also have the pea, let alone the dizziness ...
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Cataracts What Can I Do To Stop It
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Brush Burns On Your Penis

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Bmx Birthday Party Supplies

Sunday, February 11, 2007
Cheap Metalcore Scooter Wheel
st'ingegnere So I sold the "linear", the modulator and the antenna. Beautiful! This time we had opened the dipoles, ie each of its four elements were made at T, T deformed bassobbasso along the vertical and horizontal.
We were used to Vieri Romagnoli, which made them close the dipoles, choking on the aluminum tubes for kitchen gas stove, mica, but a joke ... Then it was Vieri's name seriously, but lived in Via Romagnoli, and then there so we called him. But Vieri was part of the first radio, that of 1976, while we we were at Christmas 1977 and this was the second.
Engineer shows me the stuff, it makes a kind of functional test and tells me: "Where you have the tower for the antenna?"
Trellis, I think, mast ... "Last time we used a pole."
"A pole? And where it mounted? "
" On the balcony of my house, "I said.
"Jesus and Mary," said the engineer, "and that pile is?".
"The water pipes with internal joints, taken from Pischiutta, a wholesaler of supplies hydraulic ... because, as you usually do? A
17 years was not normal to the ing you to the fifties, but then not even give seicientomila lire for a while 'locks, so I was then. It was not for you, but rather to the tube, the engineer (we had a strange name, Hesse, Zumbo's name!) Began to look with new eyes.
But we do not even realize. At home, the low frequency was prepared: 8-channel mixer with equalizer DIY, leftover pizza A77 Revox, Teac cassette deck with chrome automodifica tape, two microqualcosa turntable with Shure cartridge and Empire, by singing with microphones RCF supercuffietta to implement all , headphone that vattalapesca (but were still those with the sarcophagus around the recchia) and welder semprecaldo for the cables went, and were buzzed away like ripe apricots.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
What's Required To Intern At A Dental Office
here I am again, I expected someone else to write, so what you waiting for?
we are all happy and satisfied with who participates in this blog!
and above all gives us the strength to go on.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Vides Gratis De Misty Mundae
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Kutumb Episode 1 Online
Franco was called, one meter and sixty-five, black mustache and blacks. "But you're the one that makes a triple and three doubles?" Inquired to me. I, his face in the naive sense Italian (today) and not in English, I like Banfi, waving from left to right cheeks that I had.
Einvecesì! A triple and three doubles, ergo a one twelve p.m. centotrentuno eleven or twelve and giuddillì, nine hundred thousand at the exchange rate Cucuzza and broken! At that time a salary category B stationed just outside the six hundred thousand, actually a bendiddio in which to choose:
- number THREE mignottoni Afghan remedied give the cup, the comparison is puttantùr gnenteee;
- number two week vacation studying and working in England, near London (122 km single track with train);
- ... A number radiolibbera!
Pursued by memories of the Onan (ra) barbaric and give the cup, which was so called because it had bald crapa Recchia and alone, the choice was only one: laradiooo!
Yes, because the other stories we've done radiolibera were choked, and then that dream better than this? Gentlemen, nothing but chat and emmeppitré: I'd be the Arai, the Abbibbissì!
This time the money was and equipment would be professional. There was an engineer foo (which I remember) beam from him!
Epper when we still did not have eighteen who had never been to Capannelle? It was a journey without Google Maps, with tuttocittà again with different resolutions for the districts in which chiddìo knows what has away 'is what? It got there in the country, with the engineer who worked at home among the cows, look at you and waving "Hello, Frank!" And you maybe they are sincere, but just were not Franco. However, this
-I do not remember his name-we sold the "linear", a dresser with beautiful anodized aluminum front panel that alone costs the same as all the DIY that I had made by hand that had never worked (they, the 'high-frequency was something else!).
somewhere is still there, in the box on the terrace, with his monocle (the meter) looking at me looking like Odysseus Polyphemus, hollering in pain Nobody (eeeccomi!) has blinded ...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Songs Everyone Should Have On Their Ipod
Rome, January 24, 2007
certainly will play nostalgic and certainly it is, but how exciting to think back to that time, and suffer those voices! I remember perfectly the characters of that era of pioneering: Maurizio Amici, Luigi Canali, Raffaele Colasanti, Toto, Carlo Marcello, Elena Cozzo (Silver name of art, but she came after me!) And many, many others.
your Great initiative, good! Without your commitment, first, tentative pages of a story so important they would run the risk of being lost completely.
My name is Emily and I worked too Pangrazio Paglialonga Radio Hanna for a period between 1976 and 1977, I think I was the youngest speaker of Italy, just over a girl. Unfortunately I can not make a concrete contribution to a recording, I do not have anything, though I am sure that sooner or later, somewhere, something will pop out with my voice, because of Hanna Radio, Radio Onda Rome, Radio Mediterranean (a after brief collaboration Radio Hanna, via Marco Visentin, who recorded it all) I worked in the environment for a year and a half. But I can contribute to the reconstruction of this puzzle with my memories, something that tramanderà, in this case, the written tradition, a bit like the stories collected by the elders, anthropologists, in small villages of the Italian.
For now a warm greeting and you again soon. Who remembers me? Hello everyone. Emilia
The full text of the letter you can read the "letter to Broadcastitalia ( )
Sunday, January 21, 2007
How Long Does It Take To Adjust To Orthotics
Hi friends, I am John Perti, I am 41 years old.
started working in my city free radio, Radio Coneglianointorno of thirteen. I was a kid, but I was so persistent with IResponse then that, exhausted, decided to involve me in some early evening broadcasts.
soon I had my chance I remember a dazzling Christmas, so it was available nessunodei deejay chose to put me in a direct gestionedell'interopomeriggio cards along with the listeners. Were emozioniindimenticabili.
exciting evenings of recollection "Stasera mi butto" with Luke and Raffi.
Teens, after dinner we went on air twice a week. The phone rang before chemettessimo foot radio.
The girls wrote to ask us for photos with autographs, such as Duran Duran cisentivamo ogli Spandau Ballet, but we were not sure of Adonis.
I send a file first, my installation I've done maybe a year ago, taking several direct trattida tracks.
Feel free to cut any. I hope you can participate in this initiative. Let me know.
Unabbraccio to you all for lalieta initiative. Luke
Hide My Long Hair In A Cap
This night, like almost every Saturday night, expecting to return home to my son napping on the couch watching tv .... I was lucky enough to open their eyes as they spoke in a program of your initiative, has resurfaced in a few moments a whole world that had closed in a drawer: my experience between 1975 and 1978 in a local radio station in my country Origin, cellular (from where>> dove), headquartered in Carovigno at grandma's house of a friend of ours who had the initiative. It 'been nice to remember that nice old lady, sweet and hard, which sought to make the ladder program because "it was his house" and therefore she decided.
I was involved in dedications, the program was most coveted, the one that allowed us to become children of "characters", found in public searches, worthy of admiration and even envy of many others that could not have access to that world.
For me it was an isolated experience because life has led me to do something else, but I have seen during the program that so many television journalists interviewed have started well. Of course I will send you a tape of a program that has survived time, I listened last night of extracting extraordinary emotions, I recognized friends, their stories and their dedications, some may be due to our work are married and have started a family, others are gone.
I found myself, listen at the same time equal and different than today. It 'was like looking from "outside" as in a body experience. Thank you for having opened that drawer. Peter
Dominion Roller Skates
Hello Guys,
Congratulations on your initiative, beautiful, it was time that someone realized.
Today I'm 44 years (!!!) and after seeing the transmission of RAI 2, I immediately worked hard to recover the tape on which was engraved my first interview.
I was then just 16 years, and the fate in store for me a special meeting .... the myth of the songwriters of the time: Lucio Dalla.
"Work" (so to speak, in the sense that I was not paid) for AQUARIUS RADIO, radio free Portici (NA) and I had the good fortune to interview Ron (in its early days), Lucio Dalla and finally retired at the time a known as Francesco Ciani.
The concert was held in Naples at the Teatro Augustus, beautiful and unique, excellent performance of all three songwriters.
The interview was released after crediting us in the dressing room, the voices and the questions we understand the inexperience and the "fear" of the comparison with important people of two poor boys of just 16 years.
I will try to follow your instructions to scan the tape, I hope so and send it.
The questions are simple, but there are indications in the answers I think are important at the time.
How Much Did Mike Tyson Make
Dear postmaster who writes to you he was one of the architects (say, so to speak) of the epic of free radio .. In fact, in addition to taking part in the construction and installation of Radio Kiss Kiss, has had the pleasure of taking part in the construction of the first mixer from Radio Napoli and two other Radio Napoli Before I even have pictures of her in a small laboratory mixer DIY Posillipo (the Enzo de Stefano - electronic equipment of which I served as technical staff) Then, God knows how, but I think it's happened to many others, have been for some repairs to Radio Partenope ... I started here frequented ... to the point that with a friend, we decided to make a stop-gap transmission .. and like many in the end has not had the opportunity to go on .. will want to, either for lack of funds. also want to have the "luck" in a voice not so nice .... or as Napoli Ground Zero ... where we were able to steal us all the plants ... And so, as if by magic, have opened the doors to a world of fantasy and unknown ... The program had an impression taken from broadcasts of high type rating to be clear .. you know what time began to end up in any decide now .. I have happened even with all the colors that calm and remember to send as testi.Dovrei hand I have somewhere a few more boxes of audio transmission, and perhaps some pictures or logo sticker .. I believe that they can help in reconstructing a time when Cyrus irripetibile.Mi rcordo Niespolo, then owner of the nightclub Kiss Kiss, decided to put himself in radio, perhaps by opening the first radio-Disco ... and will not tell you the arduous task of creating a sound ad hoc ... or when there was Escoposte on many radio seized ... including Radio and Naples First-Kiss Kiss .. Ciro at a meeting at his house to do, had the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bputting equipment on a basis furgone.Il van ran continuously and to provide the equipment for other radio rotation ... I do not say the leak, the patrols to prevent Escoposte ... many memories .... However I will see as soon as possible 'to send the material .. and I'd love to see the updated list of radio in 1976 with the following names of which I am sure there are widely ... heck .. I worked for them .....!-
PARTENOPE RADIO (NOT REMEMBER THE FREQUENCY But perhaps on a sticker there that I should have) -
I hope these pieces of information you can serve. Hello
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Mole On Left Pinkie Finger
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Lorhi Invitation Text
Boys and click Connect to connect friends and family for the big event on Saturday, January 20, 2007 about 22.30 hours on BBC2. We discuss and we Broadcastitalia Association Liberevoci! The transmission is Tg2 Dossier Storie.