Dear Maurizio Friends, in the distant (but very close to me) 1976, forced immobility from an operation on my leg-crazy, I discover the existence dipersonaggi wandering in the ether in FM. Among them, those of Radio Hanna.Ne remember two in particular: Maurizio Friends and Anna Pettinelli. How many hours spent listening to! Then arrived Bruno Vilar. How much humanity. Law even my verse live. I sent two of his scrittidedicati and autographed (now jealously preserved). Then, he leaves us. One day (when I can finally walk) and Maurizio AnnaPettinelli friends invite me at the studios of Radio Hanna (where they were?) And ciconosciamo. How exciting! Later I'll also radio, I will also pills dubbing. They said (and say) that my voice is unica.Le But things change: it grows, there's other objectives, there are the "need", and hangs on a nail on his instincts. But the memories are still alive. And today, happened to be the site of LibereVoci, I saw the faces (with more years ...) who gave me the same emotions. And I am pleased to write you (to let you), as an old amico.Grazie for yesterday and today. Francis.
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