st'ingegnere So I sold the "linear", the modulator and the antenna. Beautiful! This time we had opened the dipoles, ie each of its four elements were made at T, T deformed bassobbasso along the vertical and horizontal.
We were used to Vieri Romagnoli, which made them close the dipoles, choking on the aluminum tubes for kitchen gas stove, mica, but a joke ... Then it was Vieri's name seriously, but lived in Via Romagnoli, and then there so we called him. But Vieri was part of the first radio, that of 1976, while we we were at Christmas 1977 and this was the second.
Engineer shows me the stuff, it makes a kind of functional test and tells me: "Where you have the tower for the antenna?"
Trellis, I think, mast ... "Last time we used a pole."
"A pole? And where it mounted? "
" On the balcony of my house, "I said.
"Jesus and Mary," said the engineer, "and that pile is?".
"The water pipes with internal joints, taken from Pischiutta, a wholesaler of supplies hydraulic ... because, as you usually do? A
17 years was not normal to the ing you to the fifties, but then not even give seicientomila lire for a while 'locks, so I was then. It was not for you, but rather to the tube, the engineer (we had a strange name, Hesse, Zumbo's name!) Began to look with new eyes.
But we do not even realize. At home, the low frequency was prepared: 8-channel mixer with equalizer DIY, leftover pizza A77 Revox, Teac cassette deck with chrome automodifica tape, two microqualcosa turntable with Shure cartridge and Empire, by singing with microphones RCF supercuffietta to implement all , headphone that vattalapesca (but were still those with the sarcophagus around the recchia) and welder semprecaldo for the cables went, and were buzzed away like ripe apricots.
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