Sunday, January 21, 2007

How Long Does It Take To Adjust To Orthotics

Luke Hanna

Hi friends, I am John Perti, I am 41 years old.
started working in my city free radio, Radio Coneglianointorno of thirteen. I was a kid, but I was so persistent with IResponse then that, exhausted, decided to involve me in some early evening broadcasts.
soon I had my chance I remember a dazzling Christmas, so it was available nessunodei deejay chose to put me in a direct gestionedell'interopomeriggio cards along with the listeners. Were emozioniindimenticabili.
exciting evenings of recollection "Stasera mi butto" with Luke and Raffi.
Teens, after dinner we went on air twice a week. The phone rang before chemettessimo foot radio.
The girls wrote to ask us for photos with autographs, such as Duran Duran cisentivamo ogli Spandau Ballet, but we were not sure of Adonis.
I send a file first, my installation I've done maybe a year ago, taking several direct trattida tracks.
Feel free to cut any. I hope you can participate in this initiative. Let me know.
Unabbraccio to you all for lalieta initiative. Luke


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